全文:1925年2月生,男,汉族,浙江省丽水人,大学毕业,系浙江省律师协会会员,擅长民事案件代理。郑律师1980年以来在杭州市第一律师事务所任律师。先后办理各类案件200多件。现任水电部第十二工程局、水电部第十二局仪表厂、中国机电设备公司华东一级站杭州供应站、浙江省机电设备公司、杭州西湖台钻厂、杭州油脂化工厂、杭州畜产品厂、杭州第四织布厂、杭州第二汽车配件厂等单位的法律顾问。Mr. Zheng Yongnian, born in 1925, a college graduate, amember of the Lawyer Association Zhejiang.He is good athandling civil cases.
描述:The differences between sacrificial objects of the Land Altar and the Infield Altar in Beijing -Outline the development and evolution of the God of Land and the God of Infield in each historical period